Antitrust & Competition

Antitrust & Competition

Antitrust and competition laws around the world are rapidly evolving, especially in China. Market participants face new risks and challenges in keeping up with the complex and changing rules, and the penalties for failing to comply can be severe. A professional perspective is essential to manage antitrust and competition legal risks. With a team of antitrust and competition lawyers, we can advise on all aspects of antitrust and competition issues including merger filing and clearances, cartels, abuse of dominance, compliance, and antitrust litigation.

Moreover, the fierce market competition in China causes a lot of companies or individuals to be harmed by aggressive competitors, and therefore private litigation is fast becoming an important means of enforcing competition law and a strategic tool of winning market competition. Our antitrust and competition lawyers have represented many businesses and individuals who have been harmed by companies that engage in anticompetitive and illegal conduct, and have assisted many clients in defending competitive rights and claiming damages.

Scope of Services

  1. Antitrust litigation
  2. Antitrust investigations
  3. Antitrust compliance
  4. Merger filings
  5. Legal and strategic analysis on regulations regarding monopoly agreements, abuse of dominant market positions, concentration of business operators and administrative monopoly

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